Creature Cubes

Project Director & Game Design Director - 2014 // Creative direction, puzzle design, experience design

Creature Cubes is a transformational puzzle game that aims to help middle schoolers develop their spatial reasoning skills. The inspiration for Creature Cubes came from an unfortunate realization - since spatial reasoning is not extensively covered in school, kids tend to fall into one of two camps: 1) They're great at it but can't find an appropriate challenge or 2) They need help with it and don't get any.

In Creature Cubes, players place tiles onto unfolded solids to reassemble mythical creatures and bring them back to life. In the harder puzzles, players must find the longest or shortest path between two points on the unfolded solid. 

I designed the majority of the levels in Creature Cubes and oversaw its development through approx. 70% completion, at which point I handed over design and direction to an awesome team.