Conference Talks

The Design Direction of I Expect You to Die 2 - Link // GDC 2022

Greater Accessibility with Fewer New Features and Less Scope - Link // GDC 2022

Designing for the Daydream Controller // Google I/O, 2016

Welcome to Virtual Reality // North American Association of State and Provincial Lotteries, Professional Development, 2016.

Every Puzzle is a Story // Internal Schell Games professional development, 2016.

The Impact of Ongoing Games in Museums // Association of Children's Museums, Interactivity Conference, 2016.

The Impact of Ongoing Games in Museums // Association of American Museums, Annual Meeting, 2016.

Collaboration in Water Bears // Pittsburgh STEM Summit, 2015.

The Practice of Game Design // UPitt TEC Conference, 2014.

Tunnel Tail: Successful Game Developer - Educator Collaboration // Games + Learning + Society, 2013.

Oops, I Learned Something: Teaching Via Game Mechanics // Games + Learning + Society, 2012. 

Anything You Can Do, Chrono Trigger Can Do Better. A Well Played Talk // Games + Learning + Society, 2011.

Player and Designer Expectations // PAX Dev, 2011.